Teddy Bears Picnic to Fairy Party. Theme ideas for your Make my Bear party.
A Teddy Bear Party can be enhanced by choosing a party theme such as a teddy bears picnic. You can use the theme throughout the party from invitations to party games.
Consider the following ideas for you teddy bear party.
Fairy Party
Always a sure hit with little girls who love dressing up.there’s an endless list of food for this theme fairy cakes, fairy bread, fairy wands (pink & white marshmallow threaded on a skewer) etc. The children could come dressed as fairies and make wands as an additional activity.
Wand’s are easy to make, you just need cardboard star cutouts and balloon sticks, which are easily available from Spotlight or your local party shop. Glue the star to the balloon stick and add silver, pink and white curling ribbon. The children can decorate their wand with glitter or tin foil.
Game suggestion -play pin the tail on the unicorn.
The unicorn works well with this theme and looks great in a fairy costume. You could also play pin the tail on the unicorn.
Poodle Parlour.
Pink Poodle is a glamorous pooch and loves to be pampered! With this theme the children can make their own poodles and then pamper their new pets. Make a bed for the new pet, this can be as simple as using an old cardboard box, some crepe paper and some cotton wool.
Try decorating collars or leads (all of which can be bought cheaply at $2 shops), or make your own from strips of pink felt and velcro. Stick rhinestones or other jewels onto the collars. The children can then model the new accessories on their new friend.
Game suggestion – play toss the bone – have 3 buckets marked 10, 20 & 50 at various distances from the throw line. The children throw the bone and see how many pints they can get out of 3 throws.
This party theme works well with a French themed afternoon tea.
Teddy Bears Picnic.
Everyone has got to go to a teddy bears picnic once in their life. This party theme can be easily run and does not need lots of extra equipment. You will need a tartan travel rug or something similar for the children to sit on for their picnic. After making the bears the children can have a picnic with them. Include lots of teddy inspired foods such as teddy bread and any of the cake recipes shown on our recipes page. The children could decorate cup cakes for the picnic with paw prints using giant chocolate buttons and normal size chocolate buttons
Game suggestions for a teddy bears picnic – Teddy bear relay. Divide the children into teams and have half of each team at opposite ends off the room or garden.. The first child in each team must crawl to the finish line with their teddy on their back. If it falls off they must turn a full circle before placing the bear back on and continuing. When they reach the other end the next child goes until everyone has had a turn. The first team to finish wins. this can be made more difficult by introducing obstacles.